Services :: Other Services

Social Services

Anyone faced with the prospect of placing a loved one in assisted living, hospital, or nursing home is confronted with a myriad of issues. Not the least of which may be feelings of guilt or inadequacy for having to rely on others to provide care. Combine these feelings with the complexities of coordinating financial arrangements, medical assessments, responsible party duties, and the paperwork that legally must be created - and the whole experience can be overwhelming.

Our trained and experienced social services team is effective in guiding families through the process step-by-step. We will take the time and make contacts where possible to ease the burden for your family.

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Family Health West's social services department is staffed by full-time, social workers who strive to assist each patient and their family in meeting personal, social, emotional, and environmental needs. It acts as an integral link between patient, family and other members of the health care team and resources in the community.

We offer on-going support and comprehensive care management, including the consideration of financial issues and discharge planning. All patients are assigned a social worker who acts as a resource person, advocate and counselor. They assist the patient and family in adjusting.

Psychological Services

Psychological services are provided by an experienced clinical geropsychologist and a nurse psychotherapist. They treat depression, establish behavioral management and redirection programs, and seek to reduce patient medication use.

Services include diagnostic assessment, psychological treatment, behavioral intervention, consultation with staff, knowledge and skill training, coaching, awareness training, stress reduction training, modeling, and encouraging staff to try new approaches.

Our psychological consultants also spend time with staff to support, coach, and teach. For further information about psychological services provided at Family Health West, talk to our Social Services Coordinator, Joni Vohs at (970) 858-2140.